Friday, September 10, 2010

June/July/August blog

Sorry, I'm really bad at blogging. I've almost given up on doing a monthly blog and it seems to have become quarterly.
Work has gone through the roof and the blog was the last thing on my mind.
Also, on 17th July Kristin and I got married. We had a great day after months of hard work (all Kristin's), the weather held out and it all went by far too quickly. I resisted the temptation to pick up a camera and my bride and I were the last two on the dancefloor when the power got turned off at 3am.
No honeymoon as yet, just too busy at the moment.

Interesting jobs this quarter have been for Sunkist soft drinks, who have launched a new UK marketing push. Dewsall Court in Herefordshire which is an exciting new development being launched by some good friends of ours. It is a family home that is being turned into an events venue and luxury accommodation
Sale Sharks had me in to shoot their new seasons kit and I'll be doing some more with them in a couple of weeks.

The pictures speak for themselves. Life at Toft is great and we're enjoying being surrounded by all creature great and small. The latest addition was a hedgehog that had been rescued by Lower Moss Wood animal rescue in Ollerton.
Kristin took a injured swallow and returned with a rehabilitated hedgehog……fair swap I suppose!

The bees are busy and I'll be looking to take my first crop of honey soon.

Summer is now coming to a close and we're looking forward to the treats that Autumn brings.